University Equality Champions
The Equality Champions also have the following areas of specific responsibility:
- Vacant
Gender Equality
- Professor Sarah Colvin, AHSSBL (Arts & Humanities)
- Vacant
Race & Inclusion Champions
- Dr Ali Meghji
- Professor Esra Özyürek
Disability and Wellbeing Champion
- Professor Alison Dunning
In 2009, the University approved the establishment of Equality Champions to demonstrate senior leadership and support for equality, diversity and inclusion matters and initiatives. The Champions:
- Support the progression of equality for all protected groups:
- Age
- Disability
- Gender Reassignment
- Marriage and Civil Partnership
- Pregnancy and Maternity
- Race
- Religion or Belief (including no belief)
- Sex
- Sexual Orientation
- Assist with the progression of equality objectives.
- Advocate on equality, diversity and inclusion matters.
- Advise and contribute to papers and relevant processes.
- Work with staff and student equality networks.
- Provide a formal link to staff diversity networks (as indicated).
- Attend equalities-related events.
If you would like to contact one of the Equality Champions, email
School Equality Champions
Schools and Institutions each have two Champion, one male and one female; one of these is a member of GESG (terms of office are 2 years), formally linking the Schools to gender equality governance and decision making.
Role of the School Equality Champions (as approved by E&D Committee):
To provide visible leadership and promote good practice on gender equality, beyond compliance, for the University, by:
• Playing an active role in championing the University’s commitment to progress gender equality across the institution
• Facilitating increased awareness of gender matters within Schools/NSI’s, ensuring gender equality is a key consideration within the business of the institution being represented; this will require membership of a local governance body of influence (if possible)
• Providing a local focus, encouraging good practice, influencing cultural change and ensuring relevance of gender equality to the different institutions across the University
• Providing a link between the Gender Equality Champions, GEG, and the Schools/NSI’s in the progression of this objective
• Advocating for gender equality matters locally and within the University
• Providing a School/NSI-based link to women students via the CUSU Women’s Forum