Gender Reassignment
“A person has the protected characteristic of gender reassignment if the person is proposing to undergo, is undergoing or has undergone a process (or part of a process) for the purpose of reassigning the person’s sex by changing physiological or other attributes of sex”.
Equality Act (2010), Section 7
Examples of identities it covers include:
- Trans
- Transgender
- Non-binary
- Gender fluid
- Agender
Gender reassignment is a self-defined category and there is no need for it to be confirmed by another person, or for the individual to be undergoing or intend to undergo a medical transition for it to apply.
Transition is the group of changes a trans person makes to affirm their gender identity. This might take various forms:
- Emotional: adapting to changes in how the world responds to the individual as a result of living in their affirmed gender
- Legal: changing legal sex (in the UK only a small proportion of trans individuals go through this process)
- Medical: using hormones and surgery
- Social: changing forms of gender expression eg changing name/ pronoun, presentation, clothes, which gendered spaces the individual uses (e.g. toilets/ changing rooms)
Sources of Support
For Students and Staff
Anonymous reporting for students and staff | Student Complaints
For Staff
- LGBTQ+ Network
- LGBTQ+@CL network | Department of Computer Science and Technology
- Staff Counselling Centre |
- Dignity at Work Contacts | Human Resources
For Students
The University has produced Guidance on Gender Reassignment for Staff (currently under review) which provides information on good practice to support staff and institutions in implementing the University's Equal Opportunity Policy in relation to gender reassignment.
Please also see the LGBTQ+ Glossary