Sex (or gender) is the protected characteristic that refers to a man or woman and protection from sex discrimination is well established within legislation and the University.
It is prohibited to discriminate, harass or victimise a student (current, prospective or past), a member of staff (potential, current or past) or visitor to the University because of their sex, whether this is perceived, actual or associated.
The University has developed policies, to respond to legislation and supports initiatives such as the Women's Staff Network and the Women's Union. Additional initiatives have developed across the University to progress Gender Equality. These include:
For Women
- The Gender Equality Steering Group (GESG) guides and develops the work of the Equal Pay Review Group and supports the work of the University in relation to Gender Equality.
- The Centre for Gender Studies supports innovative gender research and teaching.
- women@CL is a resource for women working in computer sciences.
More information on University gender initiatives can be found on the Women at Cambridge pages.
Personal development programmes for staff and post-graduate student
- Springboard: A Women's Development Programme
- Navigator: A Personal Development Programme for Men
- Spring Forward: For Men and Women
The University also carries out an Equal Pay Review which analyses the pay of staff, identifying differences that exist between the sexes.
Advice for managers or departments is available from the Human Resources Business Managers and Equality, Diversity & Inclusion.