Race is a protected characteristic that refers to an individual's race, colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins. The Equality Act replicates the provisions of previous legislation.
- Colour includes, for example, being black or white.
- Nationality includes, for example, being a British, Jamaican or Pakistani citizen.
- Ethnic or national origins include, for example, being from a Roma background or of Chinese heritage.
- A racial group could be, for example, ‘Black Britons’ which would include people who are both black and British citizens.
It is prohibited to discriminate, harass or victimise a student (current, prospective or past), a member of staff (potential, current or past) or visitor to the University because of their race, whether perceived, actual or associated. This includes segregating individuals according to race.
The University has developed policies, for example the Combined Equality Scheme, and supports the Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Staff Network and, for students, the Black Students Campaign. Both groups support the progression of Race Equality in the University.
Advice for managers or departments is available from the Human Resources Business Managers and the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion section.