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Equality, Diversity & Inclusion


The session will be delivered by Sam Thorogood of Tiny Pause.  He combines proven neuroscience & mindfulness based techniques into useful daily habits.

How can you strengthen confidence levels? Why is confidence so important?

In this 1 hour pilot session learn:

  • Learn the science of where confidence comes from, why it ebbs away and how to increase it
  • Do a NEW Mini Mindfulness practice to help you get perspective
  • 5 MED techniques to increase confidence this week
  • Plan how to complete one important aim, meaningful to you, in the next 7 days

Knowledge, skills and experience are how we make a meaningful contribution to our work and personal lives.

How confident we are (or not) will impact how much of these vital abilities we contribute.

This is a pilot session, keep expectations low. Let's experiment together to understand what helps us improve self-confidence. 

Enhance focus, reduce stress and strengthen resilience. All techniques proven by science.

Tuesday, 6 December, 2022 - 12:00 to 13:00
Event location: 
Runcie Room, Faculty of Divinity, Sidgwick Site