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Equality, Diversity & Inclusion


Disabled Staff Network and Clinical School jointly present: Working with Fatigue or Energy Impairment

Many disabled staff find ourselves trying to work while managing our Fatigue
or Energy Impairment. Doing this is, at best, difficult, and made more-so by
our sense that if we mention it, we risk being labelled “lazy”. Hence we tend
to struggle on, alone and in silence.

As more colleagues with long-Covid return to work, now feels like a good time
for us to begin talking openly about what it feels like and how we can start
to improve things.

We are holding an Online panel discussion, beginning with Dr Anna Ruddock
from the Chronic Illness Inclusion Project, plus members of the DSN talking
about our lived-experience and opening into a wider conversation about
working with Fatigue and /or Energy Impairment.

To maximise inclusion we invite you to join our 1 hour discussion over lunch
time. Find a comfortable place to sit and feel free to bring your lunch.

via Zoom - Book your place here

Friday, 9 December, 2022 - 12:00 to 13:00
Event location: 
Zoom Online Video Conferencing