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Equality, Diversity & Inclusion


We recognise that during the Coronavirus pandemic that the associated restrictions on our day to day life, will inevitably impact in a different and sometimes disproportionate way on particular groups.

In order to assist with the dissemination of information, we have created this set of resources that we hope will be useful to you during this period. 

Your Equality and Diversity team is still available, albeit remotely, to answer any queries you may have, and can be contacted at: 


University of Cambridge Wellbeing


LGBT+ Resources

Cambridge-specific Encompass Network
LGBT Foundation
Trans-specific Validation Station


BAME Resources

Coronavirus information and resources
Supporting our BAME NHS people and communities during and beyond COVID-19
Supporting Black, Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) students during the COVID-19 Crisis
Pearn Kandola - Series of events


Disability Resources

Business Disability Forum
Disability Rights UK
Disability Awareness Factsheets
Disability Resource Centre

National Association of Disability Practitioners


SPACE Resources

To assist you and those you care for during this difficult time, CarersUK have put together information and sources of support.

Government guidance for those who provide unpaid care to friends or family

COVID-19 - resources for parents and carers from Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

Mind have curated information and tips to help you support young people during this time.


Domestic Abuse

Cambridge Women's Aid
Cambridge Rape Crisis Centre
ManKind Initiative
Refuge for Women and Children
Support for victims of Domestic Abuse