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The following list provides a glossary of common terms associated with gender reassignment. The definitions are based on those provided by Equality Challenge Unit guidance.

Acquired Gender
The new gender of a person who has undergone gender reassignment. Note: surgical intervention is not necessary in order to acquire a new gender.
Female-to-male: a person who is changing or has changed gender from female to male.
Male-to-female: a person who is changing or has changed gender from male to female.
Gender dysphoria
This is the medical term for the condition in which a person has been assigned one gender (usually at birth on the basis of their sex) but identifies as belonging to another gender, or does not conform to the gender role society ascribes to the particular gender. Note: Gender dysphoria is not a sexual orientation.
Gender and Gender Identity
Gender identity is the person's internal perception and experience of his or her gender. In law gender is binary and defined as male or female.
A term that is used by some trans people (transsexual and transgender) who are open about their transgender status and/or believe that transition does not mean they become men or women. It can also be used as a generic term to refer to the trans community. Note: Some people who undergo gender reassignment want to live in the acquired gender and do not want to be part of a separate group.
A person who feels a consistent and overwhelming desire to transition and live his or her life as a member of the opposite gender.
An umbrella term for people whose gender identity differs from their birth gender. Transgender can refer to a range of groups including transsexual people and those who see themselves as not clearly fitting into a male or female identity. Transgender people may or may not alter their bodies hormonally and/or surgically. The term transgender should only be used as an adjective, for example, ‘transgender people’.
This refers to the process and/or the period of time during which gender reassignment occurs (whether with or without medical intervention).
Transvestite or Cross-Dresser
This refers to a person who dresses in clothing typically worn by the opposite sex. A transvestite may not necessarily wish to alter his or her body. Similarly he or she may not experience gender dysphoria or live permanently in the opposite gender to that of their birth.